第188部分(第1/7 页)
The messenger who had brought the dead warrior's head told the story of Guan Yu cursing and reviling Sun Quan; and of what had befallen Lu Meng。
Cao Cao; filled with dread; prepared sacrifices and performed the rites for the honored dead。 An effigy was carved out of heavy fragrant wood and buried outside the south gate with all the rites of a princely noble; a huge concourse of officials of all grades following in the procession。 At the funeral Cao Cao himself bowed before the coffin and poured a libation。 He also conferred on the dead the posthumous title of Prince of Jingzhou; and appointed guardians of the tomb。 The messenger was sent back to Wu。
Now the spirit of Guan Yu did not dissipate into space; but wandered through the void till it came to a certain spot in Dangyang on a famous hill known as the Mount of the Jade Spring。 There lived a venerable Buddhist priest whose name in the faith was Transverse Peace。 He was originally of the State Guardian Temple in the River Si Pass and abbot of that temple。 In the course of roaming about the world; he had reached this place。 Entranced with its natural beauty; he had built himself a shelter of boughs and grass; where he sat in meditation on the 〃Way〃。 He had a novice with him to beg food and to attend to his simple wants。
This night; about the third watch; the moon was bright and the air serene。 Transverse Peace sat in his usual attitude in the silence of the mountains。
Suddenly he heard a great voice calling in the upper air; 〃Give back my head! Give back my head!〃
Gazing upward Transverse Peace saw the shape of a man mounted on a red horse。 In the hand was a shining blade like unto the green…dragon saber。 Two military figures were with him; one on either side。 He on the left had a