第155部分(第1/7 页)
were left to give the besieged a chance to escape if they would。
Now; outside the south gate of Luocheng the country was rough and hilly; while the swift River Fu ran past the north。 For this reason the city could not be surrounded。 From the city wall; Zhang Ren watched the progress of the attack and saw Liu Bei the whole day indefatigably going to and fro directing the assault。 He also saw that as the sun dropped toward the west; the attacking force showed signs of weariness。 Wherefore he sent his two generals; Wu Lan and Lei Tong; out of the city by the north gate with orders to make their way around and attack Huang Zhong and Wei Yan。 Zhang Ren set himself to go out by the south gate and steal around to attack Liu Bei。 Lest the withdrawal of troops from the ramparts should discover his plans; he sent the populace up on the walls to make a show and bade them shout loudly to reinforce the rolling of the drums。
At sundown Liu Bei ordered the retirement of his army; and the rearmost pany turned about to march back to camp。 At this moment arose still louder shouting from the ramparts; and out at the south gate burst Zhang Ren and his force。 Zhang Ren made straight for Liu Bei; who was in the middle of his army。 Liu Bei's soldiers were thrown into confusion。 As his two generals on the east side were also attacked; they could render no help; and Liu Bei fled to the hills。 Zhang Ren followed and soon got very near。 They were a whole pany pursuing one solitary man; and as Liu Bei plied his whip he felt that the odds were much against him。 Just then he saw another pany of soldiers ahead; emerging from a hill path。
〃An ambush in front; pursuers in rear! Surely Heaven wishes to destroy me!〃 cried Liu Bei。
But all was not lost。 As they drew nearer;