第77部分(第2/7 页)
well that I should have to die。〃
The gaoler wept。
Tian Feng said; 〃An able person born into this world who does not recognize and serve the right lord is ignorant。 Today I die; but I am not deserving of pity。〃
Whereupon he cut his throat in the prison。
Ju Shou but yesterday was killed;
Tian Feng ends his life his fate fulfilled;
The Yellow River's main beams break one by one;
Mourn ye that Yuan House! Its day is done。
Thus died Tian Feng; pitied of all who heard of his fate。
When Yuan Shao came home in Jizhou; he was with troubled mind and distorted thoughts。 He could not attend to the business of government and became so ill that his second wife; who came of the Liu family and had replaced the first wife after her death; besought him to make his last dispositions。
Now three sons had been born to Yuan Shao: Yuan Tan the eldest; who was mander at Qingzhou; Yuan Xi; who ruled over Youzhou; and Yuan Shang; borne to him by Lady Liu。 This youngest son was very handsome and noble looking; and his father's favorite。 So he was kept at home。
After the defeat at Guandu; the lad's mother was constantly urging that her son should be named as successor; and Yuan Shao called together four of his counselors to consider this matter。 These four happened to be divided in their sympathies: Shen Pei and Peng Ji being in favor of the youngest son; and Xin Ping and Guo Tu supporters of the eldest。
When they met to consult; Yuan Shao said; 〃As there is nought but war and trouble outside our borders; it is necessary that tranquillity within be early provided for; and I wish to appoint my successor。 My eldest son is hard and cruel; my second is mild and unfit。 The third has the outward form of a hero; appreciat