首页 > 游戏竞技 > 三国演义英语视频 > 第24部分

第24部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 迷雾世界:我觉醒山海经征服诸天大一统世界艾泽拉斯的黑科技网吧全民游戏:死灵法师的我即天灾LOL:奶爸型打野,他太暖了球王爸爸,请再努力一点星环游戏看不见的刺客世界神秘学使用指南斗罗:我都修仙了,还封号斗罗?从联姻开始成仙打怪兽要赶在早八之前NBA最强主教打散N个三巨头英雄无敌之修仙mod里斯本竞技出道,开启葡萄牙王朝全民游戏制作大师艾泽拉斯没有巨魔斗罗:奶妈叶夕水,打倒神王唐三天河真仙不是,她无限回血,你打她干嘛

When Li Jue and Guo Si heard that both the boastful generals had fallen under the hand of one young man; they knew that Jia Xu had given good advice and was gifted with clear prescience。 So they valued his plans the more highly and decided to act on the defensive。 They refused all challenges to bat。

Surely enough after a couple of months the supplies of the Xiliang force were all exhausted and the leaders began to consider retreat。

Just at this juncture a household servant of Ma Yu's family betrayed his master and told of the conspiracy of the three court officials to assist the attackers。 The two chiefs Li Jue and Guo Si in revenge seized the three conspirators………Ma Yu; Chong Shao; and Liu Fan………; with every member of their households; and beheaded them in the market place。 The heads of the three were exposed at the front gate of the capital。

Being short of food and hearing of the destruction of their three adherents in the city; the only course for Ma Teng and Han Sui was to retreat。 At once Zhang Ji went in pursuit of Ma Teng; and Fan Chou followed Han Sui。 The retreating army under Ma Teng was beaten; and only by Ma Chao's desperate efforts were the pursuers driven off。

Fan Chou pursued the other army。 When he had e close; Han Sui rode boldly up and addressed him; saying; 〃You and I; Sir; are fellow villagers。 Why then behave so unfriendly?〃

Fan Chou replied; 〃I must obey the mands of my chief。〃

〃I am here for the service of the state。 Why do you press me so hard?〃 said Han Sui。

At this Fan Chou turned his horse; called in his troops; and left Han Sui in peace。 Unwittingly a nephew of Li Jue had been a witness of this scene; and when he saw the enemy allowed to go free; he returned and told his uncle。 Angry that h
