第9部分(第4/7 页)
don't know。 I was just … thinking。”
“About what?” I was desperate。 I needed a distraction。 Some way around her with this
garbage before she noticed what was sitting right there on
top。She looked away like she was embarrassed。 Juli Baker embarrassed? I didn't think it was
……… Page 28………
Whatever。 The golden opportunity to whip a soggy magazine over the egg carton had
presented itself; and buddy; I took it。 Then I tried to make a
fast break for the garbage can in the side yard; only she body…blocked me。 Seriously。 She
stepped right in my way and put her arms out like she's
guarding the goal。
She chased me and blocked me again。 “What happened?” she wants to know。 “Did they
Perfect。 Why hadn't I thought of that? “Yeah; Juli;” I told her。 “And I'm real sorry about that。”
But what I'm thinking is; Please; God; oh please; God;
let me make it to the garbage can。
God must've been sleeping in。 Juli tackled the trash and pulled out her precious little carton
of eggs; and she could tell right off that they weren't
broken。 They weren't even cracked。
She stood frozen with the eggs in her hands while I dumped the rest of the trash。 “Why did
you throw them out?” she asked; but her voice didn't
sound like Juli Baker's voice。 It was quiet。 And shaky。
So I told her we were afraid of salmonella poisoning because her yard was a mess and that
we were just trying to spare her feelings。 I told it to
her like we were right and she was wrong; but I felt like a jerk。 A plete cluck…faced jerk。
Then she tells me that a couple of neighbors have been buying eggs off her。 Buying them。
And while I'm ing t