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第8部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 一天不打仗朕就浑身难受NBA:穿越神医变教练带飞姚明斗罗:日月雨浩,不做唐三女婿不靠谱剑仙学生议事录让你当王者陪玩,竟把校花泡了?都重生了,还让我从头开始纵横率土从获得神豪系统开始网游之剑界木叶:来自宇智波的灵魂之王斗罗之霍雨浩知道了剧情丹道仙族鬼灭:开局抽到了流刃若火东京:开局捡到隔壁大姐姐LOL:万倍削弱,白银申请出战我唐僧:开局进入惊悚游戏我只是个NPC啊!圣斗士:这个双子座有点儿坑升级,升级,还是升级!神话!我,冥王哈迪斯!

chastened by the certainty of impending death。

In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune�but almost always his sense of values is �or have lived�in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do。 电子书 分享网站


Most of us�however�take life for �but usually we picture that day as far in the �death is all but �hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life。

The same lethargy�I am afraid�characterizes the use of all our faculties and �only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in �without concentration and with little �of not being conscious of health until we are ill。

I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life。

Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight;silence would teach him the joys of sound。

Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see。

Recently I was visited by a very good friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods�and I asked her what she had observed…“Nothing in particular�” she �for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little。

How was it possible�I asked myself�to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through mere �or the rough�shaggy bark of a 's ;velvety texture of a flower�and discover its remarkable convolutions;and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to �if I am very fortunate�I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full �the action of which streams through my finger tips。

At times my heart cries out with
