第124部分(第5/7 页)
Cheng Pu with the marine and land forces to Hefei ready for Sun Quan's call。
Liu Bei was exceedingly well satisfied with the possession of his new region; and his thoughts turned to more ambitious schemes。 Then a certain man came to him to suggest a plan。 This man was Yi Ji and; remembering the kindly feeling of other days; Liu Bei received him most graciously。
When Yi Ji was seated; and his host had asked what he proposed; he said; 〃You wish for a plan to acplish yet greater deeds。 Why not seek wise people and ask them?〃
〃Where are these wise people to be found?〃 asked Liu Bei。
Yi Ji replied; 〃In this region there is a certain family named Ma; five brothers; all of whom are known as men of ability。 The youngest is called Ma Su。 The ablest is Ma Liang; who has white hairs in his eyebrows; and the villagers have a little rhyming couplet that means 'There are five sons in the family Ma; but white eyebrows is the best of them。' You should get this man to draw up a plan for you。〃
So Liu Bei told them to request his presence。 Ma Liang came and was received with great respect。
He was asked to suggest a plan for the security of the newly acquired region; and he said; 〃Attacked as it is on all sides; this region is not one in which one is permanently secure。 You should let Liu Qi remain here till he is recovered from his present illness; but the actual protection of the place is to be placed in the hands of trusty friends。 Obtain an edict appointing him Imperial Protector of Jingzhou; and the people will be content。 Then conquer Wuling; Changsha; Guiyang; and Lingling。 And with the resources you will thus acquire; you will have the means for further plans。 That should be your policy。〃
〃Which of the four territories should be firs