首页 > 其他小说 > 君之兰的养殖方法和注意事项 > 第166章 (前世)你以为我想啊?!

第166章 (前世)你以为我想啊?!(第2/3 页)

最新其他小说小说: 梦穿1988,我有了阴阳眼北新城不同角色的人生了不起的关系喝醉后,我错撩了小奶狗弟弟侯门主母重生,她脚踩渣男逆袭了没有灵脉也能拯救天下了吗早上诊所植物医生,下午果园撒药重生现代之最强修仙者盗墓:惊!我竟成了汪家人女扮男装,皇上又被摄政王亲哭啦缘分的罗盘骑着摩托在报仇路上风驰电掣晨间山风欲与亲后宫风云再起之美人眸带雨梨花没门九叔世界的独裁者深林山谷之姐妹趣多多宫斗选我,我保胎贼六十世重生,侯府真千金她不装了

or manipulate prices, or hinder other bidders from bidding. otherwise, I have the right to order them to leave the market and the deposit paid shall not be refunded. If their behavior causes damage to national interests or the rights and interests of others, we also hold them accountable for economic pensation.

3) At the beginning of the auction, I will quote the starting price and the increase in price of the auction target. bidders who respond to the starting price can raise their license plates, and please raise them above your head.

4) I have the right to temporarily adjust the price increase based on the on-site situation, which means I can increase or decrease it.

5) when the bidders present acknowledge that my markup is too small and are willing to add,, or even1million yuan, please verbally quote the price you have added and hold up your license plate.

6) when two or more bidders at the same price raise their plates, the auctioneer has the right to confirm the first to raise the plate.

7) when the highest price appears in the entire market, I still need to give other bidders three opportunities to increase the price. I will express it in this way,\\\"First, Second, Last (or third)\\\". If no one increases the price after the three opportunities, I will decide whether to close the deal based on the reserved price. If the reserved price is reached or exceeded, I will strike the wooden mallet in my hand to indicate the deal, the transaction price obtained by hammering has legal effect, and no one has the right and cannot retract, nor can they overturn or change my transaction price, otherwise they will bear legal responsibility.

8) After striking the hammer, I will announce the buyer of the target on the spot. please sign t

