第9部分(第3/7 页)
have a coward for a son!”
“But teaching him to lie?”
“Fine。 Then just throw them away。 But from now on I expect you to look that little tiger square
in the eye; you hear me?”
“Yes; sir。”
“Okay; then。”
I was off the hook for all of about eight days。 Then there she was again; at seven in the
morning; bouncing up and down on our porch with eggs in
her hands。 “Hi; Bryce! Here you go。”
I tried to look her square in the eye and tell her; No thanks; but she was so darned happy;
and I wasn't really awake enough to tackle the tiger。
She wound up pushing another carton into my hands; and I wound up ditching them in the
kitchen trash before my father sat down to breakfast。
This went on for two years。 Two years! And it got to a point where it was just part of my
morning routine。 I'd be on the lookout for Juli so I could
whip the door open before she had the chance to knock or ring the bell; and then I'd bury the
eggs in the trash before my dad showed up。
Then came the day I blew it。 Juli'd actually been making herself pretty scarce because it was
around the time they'd taken the sycamore tree
down; but suddenly one morning she was back on our doorstep; delivering eggs。 I took them;
as usual; and I went to chuck them; as usual。 But the
kitchen trash was so full that there wasn't any room for the carton; so I put it on top; picked
up the trash; and beat it out the front door to empty
everything into the garbage can outside。
Well; guess who's just standing there like a statue on my porch?
The Egg Chick。
I about spilled the trash all over the porch。 “What are you still doing here?” I asked her。