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第19部分(第1/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: LOL:我的BUFF会不断刷新我!开局三个天赋技能太多了SS级天赋,代价是变成女生?领主:我愿建立一方乐土王屠霸业心火沸腾你为什么不打篮球?球神双职业,无限重置,阁下如何应对LOL:我真不是演员啊!第四天灾:玩家对抗玩的就是真实足球教练,我选择国足全民巨鱼求生:我能听到巨鱼心声霸球道绽放于冬网游三国:从南海开始,虎视天下网游大神饶了我规则怪谈:贫僧唐三藏,百无禁忌!我的世界之开局无限资源

One evening we all hustled into the car to drive to a Christmas party at the home of family friends。 We were a little behind schedule because my mom; sister; and I had gotten home late after spending a long day writing checks; signing charge slips; and bringing hysterical grins of joy to the faces of local merchants at a nearby mall。

My mom looked across the front seat at my dad and said; “Whew! What a busy day!I feel like I haven’t seen you in a week!”

My dad grunted; checked the rearview mirror; and changed lanes at something approximating the speed of light。

My mom reached over and twirled a lock of my dad’s hair around her finger。 “I know!Let’s look at each other。 For just a minute。 In the eyes。”

My dad responded this time。 He groaned。 “Honey; I’m driving。”

“Ten seconds。 Five!I haven’t seen you all day。 I need to look into your eyes。 Are you ready?”

He shook his head。 “I can’t look right now。 We’ll have a wreck!”

“At the next light。”

At the speed we were traveling; we hit the next red light in no time。 And sure enough; holding hands across the front seat; my parents turned and gazed into each other’s eyes。 “Hi;” my mom said。 “Hi;” my dad said warmly back。

Then the light changed; the gas pedal hit the floor; and the race was on again。 Nothing had changed; and yet everything had changed。 Most of all; I was silently moved by what I had witnessed: a small harbor of reconnection in a raging hurricane of activity and distraction。





