首页 > 游戏竞技 > rekindled是什么意思啊 > 第20部分

第20部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 死灵法师在漫威金球王子伊格拉尔神级大主播沉迷现实无法自拔贪婪洞窟:我的幸运提高一切概率刚子,你怎么还在砍传奇网游之无限剽窃被雷劈,然后获得天降美少女?网游:锻炼加生命,这个体育生有亿点肉绑定系统后我在海上乘风破浪法师小姐幸运SSS系统之贪玩红月不要停下来的异世界生活火影之痕NBA之我手感正热我慕容复只想复国英雄联盟之少年王者足坛偶像网游之无悔人生

brilliance; my experience; or my expertise in the field!〃

〃Depends on what field you're referring to;〃 he drawled。 〃In the field

of passion…〃

〃That wasn't the one I was talking about; and you know it。 Why do you

twist my words; Ross? Do you like upsetting me?〃

He was suddenly sober。 〃No。 I'm trying to good you into facing your

feelings。 I love you; Chloe。 I want to have you near me; so I

manipulated your cooperation。 You may not be ready to admit that you

need me as much as I need you; but I have no pride。 I need you; and I'm

not giving you up。 Not yet; at any rate。〃

Chloe listened sadly。 He sounded honest and sincere。 Maybe he did need

her。 But what about her needs? 〃You're rushing me; Ross。 I don't know

whether I'm ing or going。 Please; give me time?〃

〃You have till Wednesday。 I've made arrangements for you to take the

nine…fifty train from Providence。〃

〃The train? I'd rather drive。 It's more convenient。〃

〃I don't want you driving into the city。 Leave your car in Providence。

Your ticket will be held there for you and I'll be at the station



〃It's settled。〃

Her lips turned down。 〃That's what I like about you。 You're so

democratic。〃 He said a gentle 〃I love you; too;〃 before hanging up。

Ross was indeed waiting at the station when her train pulled in。 She had

barely stepped onto the platform when he was beside her。 He took her bag

and her arm in one smooth move。 〃Have a good trip?〃 he asked; glancing

down as he guided her along。

〃It was fine。〃 And she had to admit that there was something fine about

being met like this; something that went beyond mere conven
