首页 > 游戏竞技 > rekindling > 第36部分

第36部分(第4/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 篮坛梗王热血传奇之异世全职高手全职明星穿越火线之我在火线世界网游之死灵法师:我杀怪就变强是篮球之神啊全民荒野求生,开局SSS级天赋游戏现实双面板,别人刷怪我看海法爷永远是你大爷网游之取名麻烦DNF之神级高手玩家哭诉,这个npc杀人不眨眼跳动的球网从网红到拳王DNF之全民公敌王者荣耀之高手来袭扬名NBA精灵之从头再来火影忍者之善与恶网游:我火神,输出高亿点怎么了

n her for breakfast。

〃It's a perfect morning to set in the spouts;〃 he said; wiping the

dishes as she washed。


〃We've had cold nights and warm days。 The sap should be flowing like


Anne laughed in delight。 〃Maple…sugaring? We can do it ourselves? I'd

planned on visiting a local farm to watch。〃

He gave a satisfied grin。 〃Why go elsewhere when we have everything we

need right here?〃

〃Do you know what to do?〃

〃Do I know what to do? Since when have you had cause to question my


She grunted。 He was all too appealing when he was in good humor。

〃Modesty seems to have escaped you entirely。〃

He gave a short laugh。 〃No one's perfect。〃

In Anne's biased judgment; Mitch was as close to it as anyone could be

on that day and the ones that followed。 Though they hiked; read; and

rested; the bulk of their attention focused on the maple…sugaring; about

which he did indeed know almost everything。

〃The best trees have to be big; forty years old or more;〃 he explained;

when they left the house carting the tools he had produced from a shed。

〃We're using metal spouts。 This is the old…fashioned method of tapping

trees; but it works for me。〃

〃You've done this before?〃

〃Many times。〃

At the first maple that fit that bill; he drilled a small hole and

inserted a metal spout that extended several inches beyond the bark。 He

did the same at each large tree。

〃The sap generally flows between mid…March and mid…April。 I do this

whenever I'm here then。〃 With a shove; he pushed a spout into place;

then inserted one on the back side of the same tree。

〃More than o

