首页 > 游戏竞技 > rekindled是什么意思 > 第3部分

第3部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 漫威之重力魔我是达科米利西奇NBA最强主教异维文字游戏练武太难,我选择爆别人功力斗罗之擎天射日诸天英雄都是我编的美利坚:从每日情报开始这个巫师只想带学生网游之仙途觉醒:自带顶级功法别人听劝仿明星,你开局扮神明?三国从海岛屯田开始斗罗:在史莱克稳健变强我一心科研,你却想骗我谈恋爱?晚明风华当NPC来做游戏战云之心:网游勇者归来网游之开局天赋掠夺,技能全靠抢创造巅峰之最强玩家篮球小子的成神之路

〃Excuse me for interrupting; Mr。 Stephenson。〃 She leaned toward the

mike; looking at Ross for the first time entirely in the context of the

present。 〃I would like to respond to the gentleman。〃 Her expression

brooked no argument。 She was determined。 Ross straightened and backed

off; seeming bemused。

She looked back at the man in the audience。 〃First things first; Mr。…〃

〃…Younger;〃 he supplied; dropping the r at the end of his name in true

New England form。 〃…Mr。 Younger。 I have a bachelor of science in geology

from Williams College in Williamstown; Massachusetts; and a master's in

geology from Boston College。 I spent three years working for Conarn

Petroleum; performing geological studies on oil deposits in the Gulf of

Mexico。 I was then able to co…found Earth Science Education; Inc。; the

consulting firm that was contacted by Senator Wolschinski to study the

pros and cons of the Rye Beach Resort and Condominium plex。〃 Holding

the man's gaze steadily; she pushed on。 〃I have control over neither my

age nor my looks。 And I never worked for Senator Wolschinski prior to

the day he retained my services for this project。〃 She tipped up her

chin a hair。 〃Have you any other questions?〃

Again a collective murmur went through the crowd。 Just as the man

shrugged and stepped back; Chloe saw the hand on the podium lift。 Ross

pressed his chin with his thumb; looking satisfied; respectful。

He wasn't the only one she had impressed。 A different voice rose from

the audience。 〃The taxpayers' money has been well spent for a change。

Thank you; Ms。 Macdaniel!〃

Chloe directed a full smile across the ocean of heads as she leane
