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第38部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 死灵法师在漫威金球王子伊格拉尔神级大主播沉迷现实无法自拔贪婪洞窟:我的幸运提高一切概率刚子,你怎么还在砍传奇网游之无限剽窃被雷劈,然后获得天降美少女?网游:锻炼加生命,这个体育生有亿点肉绑定系统后我在海上乘风破浪法师小姐幸运SSS系统之贪玩红月不要停下来的异世界生活火影之痕NBA之我手感正热我慕容复只想复国英雄联盟之少年王者足坛偶像网游之无悔人生

She dreaded the moment of parting。 What they had was so new; so fragile;

so precious that she would have liked nothing more than to stay in the

cottage forever。

But Mitch grew preoccupied as that moment of parting drew near。 Finally;

cautiously; he said; 〃The next few weeks are going to be impossible for

me; Annie。 I have some business matters ing to a head; and I'll want

to spend extra time with Rachel。 Let me call you as soon as things clear

up。 Is that okay?〃

Given their intimacy and the number of times he'd said he loved her;

Anne might have been puzzled by his unsureness; but she was starting to

grow preoccupied herself。 The court hearing on the matter of her law

suit was only a week and a half off。

She took a resigned breath and gave him a hopeful smile。 〃I'll be


Wait she did; day after day; night after night。 The knowledge that Mitch

was suffering through a busy spell was small solace。 Only the belief

that he loved her carried her through to the evening before her court

appearance; when the phone finally rang。

〃How are you; Annie?〃 He sounded caring; but a little guarded。

〃Fine。 But I miss you。〃 She had no pride。

〃Same here; honey。 Are you all set for tomorrow?〃

She was touched that he remembered the date; touched that he was calling

to give her last…minute encouragement。 〃I don't think I'll ever be

ready;〃 she answered honestly。 〃But my family and Jeff's will be ing

to get me first thing in the morning。 I think they're not sure that I'll

show up on my own。〃

〃They'll all be there?〃

〃Most of them。 I'll have plenty of emotional support。〃

〃I'm glad。〃

A s
