首页 > 游戏竞技 > a rekindled idea > 第5部分

第5部分(第4/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 篮坛梗王热血传奇之异世全职高手全职明星穿越火线之我在火线世界网游之死灵法师:我杀怪就变强是篮球之神啊全民荒野求生,开局SSS级天赋游戏现实双面板,别人刷怪我看海法爷永远是你大爷网游之取名麻烦DNF之神级高手玩家哭诉,这个npc杀人不眨眼跳动的球网从网红到拳王DNF之全民公敌王者荣耀之高手来袭扬名NBA精灵之从头再来火影忍者之善与恶网游:我火神,输出高亿点怎么了

pretty woman I meet?〃

〃Of course not。 I just wanted you to know not to expect something I

can't give。〃

〃Won't give;〃 he corrected a second time。 〃The end result is the same。

You understand; don't you?〃

〃No; I hear you。 I'm listening。〃 He was sober。 〃But I don't understand。

You haven't given me a good reason to understand yet。 Most women with

your looks would have reached the point; at age twenty…nine; where they

could recognize something deeper。〃

Chloe felt stymied。 〃What do my looks have to do with anything?〃

The amber gaze that touched her curves gave the answer even before he

spoke。 〃You're beautiful; Chloe。 Beautiful women have options。 You've

never married?〃


〃You must date often。〃

〃I have friends。〃

〃Male friends?〃


〃Serious male friends?〃

When she shrugged; he looked at the ceiling。 〃What I'm trying to find

out is whether you're going with someone; living with someone; or

engaged to someone。〃

For an instant; Chloe imagined he was a frustrated suitor。 She smiled at

the thought。 〃No; Ross。 I date here and there; but there's no one

special。 I live alone。〃

When he expelled a breath; she suspected it was for effect。 〃Thank you;〃

he added facetiously; then sobered。 〃Do you go home much?〃

Chloe flinched。 〃No。〃 That was another topic better left alone。 〃What

about you? What was that 'rigid discipline' you suffered through?〃

〃My father was heart…and…soul Army。 A career man。 Our house was run like

a barracks。 It was almost a treat when I was sent to military school。〃

〃Oh; my。 It's no wonder you freaked out。〃

Ross laughed。 〃Freaked out? That's

