首页 > 游戏竞技 > rekindle是什么意思 > 第36部分

第36部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 英雄联盟之少年王者足坛偶像网游之无悔人生NBA之残暴网游之说服天下NBA之篮球之王重临巅峰之冠军之路黑袍剑仙网游之圣隐魔皇洪荒之剑帝网游之奇迹进球至上足球之巨星培养系统王者:励志登顶国一对抗路!身为冷兵器高手会玩网游很合理吧理综挂科后我被迫屠龙了海洋求生:开局竹竿漂流足球:我从小就是天才网游之我意纵横鬼神游戏

 unable to move; to think; to feel。 Finally

the chill in the air drove her under the quilt; but even then the

trembling hit her hard。 There was only one explanation for Mitch's

behavior; and it had to do with the 〃obligation〃 to which he had once

referred。 He wasn't free。

So again she wondered; Do I leave; or do I stay? And again she reached

the same decision。 Self…destructive or not; she was staying。 She had to

be near Mitch。

But she wasn't being humiliated again。 She wasn't begging for love until

it was freely offered first。

Needing to make a statement to that effect; she slipped from bed; went

to the dresser; and pulled on a pair of corduroys and a turtleneck

sweater。 Then she went downstairs with her head held high。

But her show of confidence was wasted。 Mitch was nowhere in sight。 He

had eaten。 She saw dishes in the sink。 And the blue Honda was parked

outside。 Deflated; she guessed that he was out in the woods。

Resigned to spending the afternoon alone; Anne built a roaring fire and

settled before it。 She had a short essay to translate; and a new novel;

of the bestseller type; to read。 She set to it。

Late afternoon became early evening without a sign of Mitch。 More

restless than bored; more concerned than angry; she wandered into the

kitchen。 But she didn't have it in her to make dinner; so she returned

to the fireplace。

Not long after; the back door opened and shut。 Heavy boots crossed the

kitchen floor。 A slicker…clad figure appeared。

Without a word he approached; shucking the slicker along the way and

draping it over a chair。 Then he hunkered down near her and added

another log

