首页 > 游戏竞技 > 爱的时光英文版 > 第4部分

第4部分(第3/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: DNF之神级高手玩家哭诉,这个npc杀人不眨眼跳动的球网从网红到拳王DNF之全民公敌王者荣耀之高手来袭扬名NBA精灵之从头再来火影忍者之善与恶网游:我火神,输出高亿点怎么了游戏降临现实:开局就有变态系统网游,我言出,你去法随梦回黄金一代漫威之超神科技系统异境:我能召唤书中人物路过的游戏网游之激战世界末世想苟,可我开局双神天赋控卫之光漫威之重力魔

ge? It took a year for my eyebrows and eyelashes to grow back。 You slept with me that night and told me that it warn’t my fault。 Still; it was a long time before you left me alone in the kitchen。

I never told you this before; but after my baking fiasco; your own dear mother shared with me a secret about the pressure cooker she’d given you as a wedding gift。 The first time you used it; you’d set the timer to“high” and your chicken dinner became part of the kitchen light fixture。 Grandma told me it took Daddy a week to scrape it off the ceiling。 At least I only lost facial hair。

Your mother must not have criticized you; because you never lectured or punished me for all the foolish things I did through the years。 You said that everything was a learning experience and that as a child I had an active imagination and marched to my own drummer。

I think I’m still that way; Mom。 And that is exactly what I try to focus on when your two granddaughters are yanking my chain。 They’re doing fine; but they miss you。 Both of them keep a photo of you in their living rooms。 The great…grandchildren; all five of them。 will never forget their “Nana Virginia。”书包 网 。 想看书来


You were always so proud of my girls。 You never missed a chance to tell me what a good job I was doing in bringing them up。 I want you to know how much your saying that meant to me and that I couldn’t have done it without you。

Your granddaughters both have your tenderness and your tenacity。 I remember the time the oldest one decided to run away from home。 She announced over dinner that she was leaving to go live with her grandparents; six blocks away; because I was much “too mean。” I wanted to lock the kid in her room。 You suggested that I let her work it out on her own; tha

