首页 > 游戏竞技 > 美丽英语故事 > 第9部分

第9部分(第2/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: LOL:我的BUFF会不断刷新我!开局三个天赋技能太多了SS级天赋,代价是变成女生?领主:我愿建立一方乐土王屠霸业心火沸腾你为什么不打篮球?球神双职业,无限重置,阁下如何应对LOL:我真不是演员啊!第四天灾:玩家对抗玩的就是真实足球教练,我选择国足全民巨鱼求生:我能听到巨鱼心声霸球道绽放于冬网游三国:从南海开始,虎视天下网游大神饶了我规则怪谈:贫僧唐三藏,百无禁忌!我的世界之开局无限资源

morning or an afternoon collecting fruit in the broiling sun; being tortured by buzzing; biting flies for one of you。“ Her sisters laughed at that; but a little less brilliantly than they had before。

One afternoon; Merope’s father went out into the fields with Sisyphus; to explain to him where he wanted the fence placed。 A short time later; a soaked Sisyphus carried the unconscious; equally drenched man into the kitchen and laid him on the table。 He barked orders to Merope; telling her to find clean towels and fetch some brandy。


The story was told in gasps; between sips of the strong liquor。 Her father had been backing up; holding a sextant4 to his eye; and had fallen into the deep; swift river that ran along the edge of their property。 Sisyphus had immediately plunged in after him; and had pulled him from the cold water。

After he recovered; the grateful man offered Sisyphus any one of his daughters for his wife。 The daughters were summoned to his study; six of them crying and protesting that Sisyphus was unworthy。 Merope took her customary place in the corner; smiling serenely 5and saying nothing。

Their father became angry and told the girls sharply that they were being ungrateful and that Sisyphus had proven himself worthy without a doubt by saving his life。 At his admonition; their cries became sniffles6; and they sat quietly; swollen…eyed and sullen。

Sisyphus surveyed his choices and smiled when his eyes landed upon Merope。 “I would have Merope; sir。 Merope will be my wife。” Her sisters’ heads snapped up; and where there had been dread a moment before; there was now jubilation7 and chagrin in quick succession。

“You would prefer Merope over us?” the eldest asked incredulously。 “Have you no eyes to see?”

