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第36部分(第2/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 篮坛:我在NBA加点成超巨我的异界漫画家生活我夺舍了詹皇这次我要当球星网游之大道无形SC之胜负手网游之大道无形说好的水灵根,你批量生产神器?猎魔烹饪手册峡谷正能量超常玩家绿茵锋魔地球第一玩家说好全民求生,你来海岛度假庸者九十五号联盟之梦回s3提前两万年登陆洪荒边路天王网游:重铸万物,我名为匠神

ay I love you 无论别人怎么说,我依旧爱你。

I can't stop; can't stop this love 我无法停止对你的这份爱,

I love you no matter what they say 我爱你,无论他们说些什么

I love you 我都爱你

We stand here today; together as one 今日,我们一同站在这里,

You brighten my days just like the sun 你仿佛太阳般照耀了我的生活。

When everything around is like stormy weather; 当周遭的一切如同暴风骤雨时

We always survive cause were in this together 我们总是能好好地活下来,因为我们在一起。

Whoever said that we could never hold on; 谁曾说过我们不能长久

Doesn't know I found my star 他是不知道我找到了我的明星

And now I'm happy I stood up for so long 此时,我高兴地久久站立

Baby this is where our story starts 宝贝,我们的故事由此开始

I can't stop; can't stop this love 我无法停下对你的这份爱

No matter what they say I love you 无论别人怎么说,我爱你。

I can't stop 我停不下来

can't stop 停不下来

I love you no matter what they say 我爱你,无论他们说些什么

I love you 我都爱你

They said this love was the impossible kind 他们说,我们的爱完全不可能

But we were strong enough to fight for this life 但是我们已经很足够强壮去和命运抗争

I can't stop; can't stop this love 我无法停止对你的这份爱,

No matter what they say I love you 无论别人怎么说,我依旧爱你。

Now i'm carried away because I've opened my arms 此刻,我张开双臂激动无比

You're here to stay; deep in my heart 你就在这里,在我内心深处

They said that we couldn't 他们说过我们不可能

but we did make it work 可是我们的确做到了

And nothing could stop us 没有什么能阻止我们

not even two different worlds 连我们身处两个全然不同的世界也不行。

I can't stop; stop;

No i can't stop

I can't stop; stop;

No i can't stop。。。

I can't stop; can't stop this love 我无法停止对你的这份爱,

No matter what they say I love you 无论别人怎么说,我依旧爱你。

I can't stop; can't stop this love 我无法停止对你的这份爱,

I love you no matter what they say 我爱你,无论他们说些什么

I love you 我都爱你

