首页 > 游戏竞技 > 交易成本理论谁提的 > 第17部分

第17部分(第2/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 做个任务,漂亮宝贝把自己搭上了没有主动技能?我无敌了!重生阿拉德之我是不灭勇士末日重生:冰火征途强制爱!在快穿世界和老板谈恋爱足球:满级天赋,欧洲豪门咽口水四合院的逆袭人生拐个大圣生猴子名柯:疯批真酒少主是个团宠为什么?重生后一切都变啦黑暗!光明明镜暗不治秦国第一驸马,原来是个女人虹猫蓝兔七侠后传王者:爆杀全网高手稳居巅峰榜一吴胜与思梨爱情之旅穿书后我要杀疯了小桔子成长记NBA:我以控卫封神鬼灭:不会呼吸法?我请缘一代打

ry of the Firm: Managerial Beh*ior; Agency Costs; and Capital Structure” Journal of Financial Economics; October 1976; 3; 305~60�

Joskow; P� L� and Klevorick; A� K�; “A Framework for Analyzing Predatory Pricing policy;” Yale Law Journal; December 1979; 89�213~70

Klein; Benjamin; “Transaction Cost Determinants of ‘Unfair’ Contractual Relations;” American Economic Review Proceedings; May 1980; 70; 356~62�

; Crawford; R�A� and Alchian; A� A�; “Vertical Integration; Appropriable Rents; and the petitive Contracting Process;” Journal of Law and Economics; October 1978; 21; 297~326�

and Leffler; K� B�; “The Role of Market Forces in Assuring Contractual Performance;” Journal of Political Economy; August 1981; 89; 615~41

Koopmans; Tjalling C�; Three Essays on the State of Economic Science; New York: McGraw�Hill; 1957�


Kreps; D*id M� and Wilson; Robert; “Reputation and Imperfect Information;” Journal of Economic Theory; August 1982; 27; 253~79

Llewellyn; Karl M�; “What Price Contract·�An Essay in Perspective;” Yale taw Jour�nal; May1931; 40; 704~51

Macaulay; Stewart; “Non�Contractual Relations in Business;” American Sociological Review; February 1963; 28; 55~70�

Macneil; Ian R�; “The Many Futures of Contract;” University of California Law Review; May 1974; 67;691~8l6

Masten; Scott; “Transaction Costs; Institutional Choice; and the Theory of the Firm;” unpublished doctoral dissertation; University of Pennsylvania; 1982�

Milgrom; Paul and John Roberts; “Predation; Reputation; and Entry Deterrence;” Journal of Economic Theory; August 1982; 27; 280~312�

Mnookin; Robert H� and Kornhauser; “Bargaining in the Shadow of tile Law: The Case of Divorce;” Yale Law Journal; March 1979

