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第2部分(第3/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 王者:顶尖野王,全网主播哭泣网游之超级掌门人网游:开局将老婆捧成电竞第一女神网游:掠夺天下LOL:我的BUFF会不断刷新我!开局三个天赋技能太多了SS级天赋,代价是变成女生?领主:我愿建立一方乐土王屠霸业心火沸腾你为什么不打篮球?球神双职业,无限重置,阁下如何应对LOL:我真不是演员啊!第四天灾:玩家对抗玩的就是真实足球教练,我选择国足全民巨鱼求生:我能听到巨鱼心声霸球道绽放于冬

 heaviest burden is a great potential。” Wouldn’t it be overwhelming if we always had to do what we imagine we could do? Nobody has the time and energy to do all of that。 We must make choices about what we will pursue and do them the best we can under the circumstances (which aren’t always ideal; by the way)。

Not Accepting that there Are Real Limits to Your Abilities

The idea that you should always be able to attain your goals as long as you work hard enough is another factor interfering with self…acceptance。 You will reach many of your goals and should give yourself credit for having done so。 Some of us have trouble seeing our successes because we focus so much on our failures and many times the failures e after a lot of hard work and personal suffering。 It seems that all that hard work should pay off in our having reaching the goal we set out to achieve。 It is hard to accept that a given goal may be out of our reach and that may be because of many factors; including the fact that we may not have the talent or skill needed to reach the goal。 Of course there may be other factors in operation that make the achieving of that goal at that time impossible— health concerns; financial problems; family difficulties; extraneous stressors; or any number of other factors acting alone or together。 The real trick to self…acceptance is to see that the goal is unattainable; at least for now; and shifting your focus to acplishing what you can acplish under the circumstances。 That could include evaluating your original goal and deciding whether or not to continue with it。 It also means giving yourself credit for what you have acplished and what you have learned from your experiences。

The parison Trap

Judging yourself by what others have acplished is a sure w

