首页 > 游戏竞技 > 交易成本同义词 > 第17部分

第17部分(第3/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 航海玫瑰海上求生,普通的我竟然成了强者别人玩游戏,我修仙无职法师海岛求生,从每日情报开始无限流:漂亮NPC只想完成任务户外见闻录全民永夜:只有我能看到弹幕提示星启:余生与你的宿命之旅穿越艾泽拉斯,但我是一个石匠日娱之旅途电竞之巅峰荣耀永劫,从坏桃开始的乱杀生涯!网游:我靠游戏币就能变强梦幻西游从五开到武神坛导演海贼的航海王者:从第一下饭主播到全能之神永劫:开局主力累了,我是替补开局朱八模板,打遍NBA无敌手网游:我有可成长技能

; 88;950~97�

Nelson; Richard R� and Winter; Sidney G�; An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change; Cambridge: Harvard University Press; 1982�

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Ross; Stephen; “The Detennination of Financial Structure: The Incentive Signaling Approach;” Bell Journal of Economics; Spring 1977; 8; 23~40�

Rothschild; Michael and Stiglitz; Joseph; “Equilibrium in petitive Insurance Mar�kets;”Quarterly Journal of Economics; November 1976; 80; 30~49

Schelling; Thomas C�; “An Essay on Bargaining”; American Economic Review; June 1956; 46� 281~306

Scherer; F� M�; Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance; Chicago: Rand McNally; 1980�

Schmalensee; Richard; “Economies of Scale and Barriers to Entry;” Journal of Political Economy; December 1981; 89; 1228~38�

Sh*ell; Steven; “Damage Measures for Breach of Contract;” Bell Journal of Economics; Autumn 1980; II; 446~90� 。。


Stigler George J�; in President’s Task Force on Productivity and

