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第20部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 篮坛:我在NBA加点成超巨我的异界漫画家生活我夺舍了詹皇这次我要当球星网游之大道无形SC之胜负手网游之大道无形说好的水灵根,你批量生产神器?猎魔烹饪手册峡谷正能量超常玩家绿茵锋魔地球第一玩家说好全民求生,你来海岛度假庸者九十五号联盟之梦回s3提前两万年登陆洪荒边路天王网游:重铸万物,我名为匠神

ng to offer me help; and she was angry just because the questions I asked were too primary for her。

Thanks to her help; I got the first prize of Math Olympics petition at last; which amazed my clas*ates; as if they were saying: “What? Am I dreaming?”。 Dramatically; Ella didn’t win any prize。 Shirley told me Ella cried herself to sleep for several nights with her head sinking into her pillow after the results came out。 I felt extremely regretful as if I had stolen her first prize。 It was she who g*e me so much help。 Shirley forted me; saying: “You needn’t feel guilty; you deserve it; and I know how much effort you h*e put into it。 And I am sure Ella will not blame her failure on you。 She was only too nervous to solve the problems on that day and she made some unforgivable mistakes; too。 It has nothing to do with you。”

Gold is always gleaming。 In junior 3; Ella got the first prize she deserved and ranked



“Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round? Will this memory fade when I le*e this town?” The song once famous across America entitled “Friends Forever” is echoing inside my body。 I could not help thinking of my future。 Will I get the big jobs and make big money? Will I still remember everything happened in school? But life needs ; we h*e our own goals to pursue。 As the song goes: “cause we are moving on and we can’t slow down。” No matter what happens; we h*e to go on with life and the memories will play like a film without sound; just fit my f*orite part of the song: “As we go on; we remember; all the times we had been together; And as our lives change; e whatever; we will still be; friends forever。”

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Flying kites(1)

Sunday; July 8; 2007Two days ago; I was invited by Aldo t

