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likes;or even to indulge in those injurious looks which cannot fail to be offensive;although they inflict no positive ,teaching us to obey the magistrates and the laws,particularly such as regards the protection of the injured;whether they are actually on the statute book; or belong to that code which;although unwritten;yet cannot be broken without acknowledged disgrace。
Further,we provide plenty of means for the mind to refresh itself from business。 We celebrate games and sacrifices all year round,and the elegance of our private establishments forms a daily source of pleasure and helps to banish the spleen; while the magnitude of our city draws the produce of the world into our harbor; so that to the Athenian the fruits of other countries are as familiar a luxury as those of his own。
If we turn to our military policy; there also we differ from our antagonists。 We throw open our city to the world; and never by alien acts exclude foreigners from any opportunity of learning or observing; although the eyes of any enemy may occasionally profit by our liberality; trusting less in system and policy than to the native spirit of our citizens; while in education;where our rivals from their very cradles by a painful discipline seek after manliness,at Athens we live exactly as we please; and yet are just as ready to encounter every legitimate danger。 In proof of this it may be noticed that the Lacedaemonians do not invade our country alone; but bring with them all their confederates; while we Athenians advance unsupported into the territory of a neighbor; and fighting upon a foreign soil usually vanquish with ease men who are defending their homes。 Our united force was never yet encountered by any enemy; because we have at once to attend to ou