首页 > 游戏竞技 > Sphere (深海圆疑) 原版小说 > 第47部分

第47部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 篮坛之锋芒逼人眉山苏氏,苏允最贤超能进化:我的兵种有点贵龙族:路明非的逆反剧本末日游戏的违规者这位中单过于真诚超级重炮爷是术士,才不是绅士我把NPC拐跑后游戏崩了挨打永久加生命,开局即无敌停手吧赛博人,外面全是玩家联盟:人皇出山,让我对线大魔王从EVA开始的穿越之旅NBA带着西蒙斯踏上篮球之巅国乓!让我成为我的荣耀!!我有一本教练书被解约后,我统治了足坛王者荣耀之影子地球联盟守护未来强制游戏

fe had he confronted patients who refused to acknowledge what was happening in their lives? Even trivial ''317'' examples…a man; another professor at the university; who was terrified of elevators but who steadfastly insisted he always took the stairs because it was good exercise。 The man would climb fifteen…story buildings; he would decline appointments in taller buildings; he arranged his entire life to acmodate a problem he would not admit he had。 The problem remained concealed from him until he finally had a heart attack。 Or the woman who was exhausted from years of caring for her disturbed daughter; she gave her daughter a bottle of sleeping pills because she said the girl needed a rest; the girl mitted suicide。 Or the novice sailor who cheerfully packed his family off on a sailing excursion to Catalina in a gale; nearly killing them all。

Dozens of examples came to mind。 It was a psychological truism; this blindness about self。 Did he imagine that he was immune? Three years ago; there had been a minor scandal when one of the assistant professors in the Psychology Department had mitted suicide; sticking a gun in his mouth over the Labor Day weekend。 There had been headlines for that one: 〃PSYCH PROF KILLS SELF; Colleagues Express Surprise; Say Deceased Was 'Always Happy。' 〃

The dean of the faculty; embarrassed in his fund…raising; had berated Norman about that incident; but the difficult truth was that psychology had severe limitations。 Even with professional knowledge and the best of intentions; there remained an enormous amount you never knew about your closest friends; your colleagues; your wives and husbands and children。

And your ignorance about yourself was even greater than that。 Self…awareness was the most difficult of all。 Few peopl
