首页 > 其他小说 > 睡前听的小故事 > 第91章 小熊的冒险

第91章 小熊的冒险(第1/1 页)

最新其他小说小说: 宇宙霸权之战惨!被削骨熬汤,重生大杀四方!八年未见面的乡下小娇妻来随军了重回末日前,我躺赢摆烂!唐诗宋词漫话当我老公是首富宝可梦:我真的是搜查官精灵之我本善良过往烟云惜明日浮世梦华计算未来女扮男装复仇记穿越之丫鬟逆袭睡前听的小故事第二世在古代通古今,拐走美强惨后我赢麻了独自闯荡仙界拜托了,我只想当表妹捡个神蛋当夫君惊,我靠人格分裂玩崩惊悚游戏






"the adventure of little bear"

once upon a ti, there was a little bear who lived a beautiful forest the little bear was very brave and curio, always longg to explore new pces

one day, the little bear decided to ebark on an adventure carryg a sall backpack, it walked along a path and entered the ysterio depths of the forest along the way, it saw lorful flowers, ftterg butterflies, and chirpg birds

the little bear walked for a long ti and felt a bit tired it found a fortable pce and sat down to rest jt then, a little rabbit hopped over the little rabbit saw the little bear and greeted it friendly they on beca good friends and shared their adventure stories

after havg a good rest, the little bear and the little rabbit ntued their journey they enuntered a clear brook with gurglg water the little bear and the little rabbit pyed by the brook for a while, and then crossed the brook tother and ntued their adventure

as the sun gradually set the west, the little bear knew it was ti to go ho it said goodbye to the little rabbit and ebarked on the way ho with full of ories and new friendship when the little bear returned ho, it felt very happy and satisfied it fell to a sweet drea, dreag of its adventure and the lovely little rabbit

