第2部分(第5/7 页)
who preached at the Bayazid Mosque and
claimed to be descended from Our Glorious Prophet Muhammad; had made a
name for himself during this period of immorality; inflation; crime and theft。
This hoja; who was from the small town of Erzurum; attributed the
catastrophes that had befallen Istanbul in the last ten years—including the
Bah?ekap? and Kazanj?lar district fires; the plagues that claimed tens of
thousands; the endless wars with the Persians at a cost of countless lives; as
well as the loss of small Ottoman fortresses in the West to Christians in
revolt—to our having strayed from the path of the Prophet; to disregard for
the strictures of the Glorious Koran; to the tolerance toward Christians; to the
open sale of wine and to the playing of musical instruments in dervish houses。
The pickle seller who passionately informed me about the cleric from
Erzurum said that the counterfeit coins—the new ducats; the fake florins
stamped with lions and the Ottoman coins with their ever…decreasing silver
content—that flooded the markets and bazaars; just like the Circassians;
Abkhazians; Mingarians; Bosnians; Georgians and Armenians who filled the
streets; were dragging us toward an absolute degradation from which it would
be difficult to escape。 I was told that scoundrels and rebels were gathering in
coffeehouses and proselytizing until dawn; that destitute men of dubious
character; opium…addicted madmen and followers of the outlawed Kalenderi
dervish sect; claiming to be on Allah’s path; wou