首页 > 游戏竞技 > 君主论-the prince(英文版) > 第2部分

第2部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 列车求生:无挂求生nba最强球星詹姆斯哈登夏日狂响曲开局零幸运值?别慌我有任意门双城之战:第九议员网游之独步逍遥校花别撩我,我只想打篮球!绝世唐门之力挽狂澜神话再临:我获得了烛龙血脉风起龙城足坛大魔王我!天灾饲养员!一天不打仗朕就浑身难受NBA:穿越神医变教练带飞姚明斗罗:日月雨浩,不做唐三女婿不靠谱剑仙学生议事录让你当王者陪玩,竟把校花泡了?都重生了,还让我从头开始纵横率土从获得神豪系统开始

to cure but difficult todetect; but in the course of time; not having been either detected ortreated in the beginning; it bees easy to detect but difficult tocure。 Thus it happens in affairs of state; for when the evils that arisehave been foreseen (which it is only given to a wise man to see); theycan be quickly redressed; but when; through not having been foreseen;they have been permitted to grow in a way that every one can see them。there is no longer a remedy。 Therefore; the Romans; foreseeing troubles;dealt with them at once; and; even to avoid a war; would not let theme to a head; for they knew that war is not to be avoided; but is onlyput off to the advantage of others; moreover they wished to fight withPhilip and Antiochus in Greece so as not to have to do it in Italy; theycould have avoided both; but this they did not wish; nor did that everplease them which is for ever in the mouths of the wise ones of ourtime:…… Let us enjoy the benefits of the time …… but rather the benefits oftheir own valour and prudence; for time drives everything before it; andis able to bring with it good as well as evil; and evil as well as good。But let us turn to France and inquire whether she has done any of thethings mentioned。 I will speak of Louis 'XII' (and not of Charles'VIII') as the one whose conduct is the better to be observed; he havingheld possession of Italy for the longest period; and you will see thathe has done the opposite to those things which ought to be done toretain a state posed of divers elements。King Louis was brought into Italy by the ambition of the Veians; whodesired to obtain half the state of Lombardy by his intervention。 I willnot blame the course taken by the king; because; wishing to get afoothold in Italy; and having no friends there …… seeing rathe
