第19部分(第1/7 页)
Anthony Avuldsen wove through the crowd; lifting his whiskey and soda high into the air to
avoid a spill。 He?d shaved his blond hair close to his head and had a deep summertime tan that
made his smile seem even brighter than usual。 The bouncer?a burly guy with no discernible neck?
gave him a quick nod; allowing him to step up onto the platform that doubled as the club?s VIP
?Archibald; you son of a bitch;? Anthony said; knocking his glass against Nate?s bottle in
greeting。 ?Where the hell have you been keeping yourself??
?Hey;? Nate greeted him。
?Coach working you?? Anthony plopped next to Nate on the banquette; nodding his head in time
to the thumping bass line。
?Something like that;? Nate admitted。
?Dude;? Anthony continued; shouting to be heard over the deafening din of the music。 ?I hear
Blair?s back in town。 What?s the story??
Nate frowned; then draped an arm around Tawny; pulling her even closer。 ?I don?t know。? He
?I?m Tawny;? the girl said; leaning across Nate?s lap and smiling in Anthony?s direction。
?What?s up?? Anthony nodded in greeting。 ?Anthony。?
?You two know each other from school?? she wanted to know。
?Yeah;? Anthony responded。 ?How do you two know each other??
Nate signaled to the waitress。 He needed another drink; immediately。
?Nate just fell at my feet one day;? Tawny replied; draining the last of her cocktail。 ?I guess I?m
just lucky。?
Anthony studied her; then yelled at Nate; ?You?re the lucky one; bastard。?
The waitress approached; looking exactly like Jessica Simpson playing Daisy inThe Dukes of
Hazzard 。 ?Another round?? she asked。
?Please;? Nate told he