第15部分(第3/7 页)
Vanessa joined the director; watching over his shoulder。
The first time they?d run the scene; Vanessa had used a straightforward angle; moving the camera
in and then out to capture the nuances in the performances; but all in all keeping a fairly traditional
distance from the actors。 It looked wooden and stiff to her; it was clean and tidy but unimaginative。
The second time they?d rolled; she?d tried something radically different; zooming in to focus first
on Thaddeus?s lips and then panning up to examine his eyelashes。 She?d used this strategy with
his costar; too; to get a rapid…fire; music video effect that was really impressionistic。 It was more
challenging than what you usually saw in a movie; but it was also better。 On the third take she?d
gone even further; letting the camera?s gaze linger on the ice dancing in the glass of water on the
table。 She thought it was a fitting way to symbolize the characters? plex relationships with
each other。 It was some of her best work。
?What the fuck is this?? asked Ken Mogul calmly。
Vanessa looked at him。 She couldn?t quite read the tone of his voice。
?I asked you a question;? Ken repeated; spinning around to face her。 ?What the fuck was that;
Vanessa? What the fuck wasthat ??
?That was my camera work;? Vanessa replied; proudly; but her voice was shaking a bit。
?Are you fucking kidding me?? Ken Mogul screamed。 Nearby crew members backed into the
shadows; and Vanessa could feel all eyes on her。
?Vanessa; what is this experimental bullshit? This is not what I hired you for。?
That wasexactly what he?d hired her for! Those had been hisexact words; as a matter of fact。
Vanessa just stared at