第9部分(第3/7 页)
?Look; sweetheart;? a stocky; loud…voiced Southern woman cried; pointing out Serena to her
balding; paunchy husband; who was sporting a winning ensemble of pleated khaki shorts and a
knockoff Lacoste polo; topped off with black socks under his cheap leather mandals。
?Well; now I?ve seen everything;? the man exclaimed。
?It?s just likeBreakfast at Tiffany?s ; isn?t it?? the woman continued; approaching
Serena。 ?Yoohoo; dear; is this some kind of publicity stunt??
Serena pretended not to hear。 Who knew Manhattan?s sidewalks were so treacherous? She
retreated back to the curb and steeled herself; then made the walk again。
Now that?s dedication。
She might have looked like a funny tourist attraction to the people walking by; but inside she was
a seething; frustrated actress on the verge of a major temper tantrum。 The truth was; Serena didn?t
even want to act anymore; she wanted to give up and walk over to Barneys and see if anything
new was on the racks。 But of course she couldn?t do that: first; because it was closed due to
filming; so she was partly responsible for her own worst nightmare; and second; because she had
never really failed at anything before and was secretly every bit as petitive as her sometimes
best friend; Blair。
?Nice ass; blondie;? called a deep voice from behind her。
Serena turned to see a guy leering at her from the backseat of a passing taxi。 Gross。 Audrey
Hepburn never had to deal with this sort of crap。
No; but then again; Audrey Hepburn?s ass was kind of flat。 But at least she could act。
the honeymooners
?Good morning; madam!? trilled a female voice in a super…perky British accent。
Blair Waldo