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第4部分(第3/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 漫威之重力魔我是达科米利西奇NBA最强主教异维文字游戏练武太难,我选择爆别人功力斗罗之擎天射日诸天英雄都是我编的美利坚:从每日情报开始这个巫师只想带学生网游之仙途觉醒:自带顶级功法别人听劝仿明星,你开局扮神明?三国从海岛屯田开始斗罗:在史莱克稳健变强我一心科研,你却想骗我谈恋爱?晚明风华当NPC来做游戏战云之心:网游勇者归来网游之开局天赋掠夺,技能全靠抢创造巅峰之最强玩家篮球小子的成神之路

covered; to her great surprise; that her meager monthly savings had grown to over 150; 000。 Then to everyone’s great surprise; she turned around and donated 150;000—almost all of those savings—to the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) for a scholarship fund for African…American students with financial needs。 She made national headlines。 电子书 分享网站


What you have not heard is how Osceola’s gift had affected my life。 I am 19 years old and the first recipient1 of an Osceola McCarty Scholarship。

I was a dedicated student; and I had my heart set on going to USM。 But I missed being eligible for a regular scholarship by one point on the entrance exams; and a scholarship was the only way I could attend。

One Sunday; I came across the story in the paper about Osceola McCarty and her generous gift。 I showed my mother the article; and we both agreed it was a great thing to have done。

The next day I went to the financial aid office; and they told me there was still no money available for me; but if anything came up they’d call。 A few days later; as I was running out the door to catch a ride with my mother to work; the phone rang。 I stopped to pick it up; and while I heard my mother honking2 the horn for me to hurry up; they told me I had been chosen to receive the first Osceola McCarty Scholarship。 I was ecstatic! I ran out as fast as I could to tell my mother。 She had to call the office again herself to make sure it was true。

I first met Osceola at a press conference—meeting her was like finding family。 Osceola never married; nor had children; so my family has since bee her family。 My grandma and she talk on the phone regularly and do errands together; and she joins us for family functions。

Once we got round to talking

